A Message from our Chair

Hello Everyone!

We’ve come through a rough period and we’re now in a new normal. (Vaccinations, masks, gloves/handwashing.) Keep up the good work – we are getting the Covid 19 virus under control. Unfortunately, we lost 2 of our members to Covid 19 but we don’t want to lose more.   Please take care and continue to do what we know works to avoid getting the virus. 
What we need you to do because talking to each other endlessly, won’t make a difference.
1. Email/phone everyday elected officials to register your displeasure about the nitpicking laws that suppress our right to protest, suppress voter rights, harm the environment, etc. (Check out Facebook page “How things work at the Ohio Statehouse.” 
2. I need Democrats stepping up to run for local, countywide offices. (Don’t complain that there’s no Democrats to vote for, if not you, who?)
3. I need Democrats to volunteer to become Precinct Captains.  Are you able to Captain two precincts?
4. I need Democrats to volunteer to work at County Fairs and Festivals.  (Get to know your fellow Greene County Democrats!)
**Any questions email: Dadams1999@gmail.com 
** or call and leave your name, number, and a brief message at 937-376-3386 – I will call you back at my first opportunity.

Yours in solidarity,
Doris Adams, GCDP Chairman