A Message from Our Chair

  Participation is the key to a strong party. Democrats are trusting individuals who care about less fortunate folks and try to help them. Becoming a Precinct Captain. or Candidate, volunteering at HQ, making phone calls, passing out slates, doing literature drops, Voter Registration drives, and donations early on to candidates is critical. As your Greene County Democratic Party we’re happy for donations anytime but those that are “Supporting Members” (Those who consistently donate yearly to maintain our HQ and the expenses involved, are Solid Gold Democrats.)

We need volunteers at the Board of Elections as poll workers, rovers, logic & accuracy testing, and the list goes on.
 This is another way to support not only our Party but our Democracy.

The ultra-conservatives use lies, fear-mongering, and division to lather up their crazy extremists.  To gain and maintain their extreme views these ultra-conservatives use voter suppression tactics to keep legitimate voters from voting and use intimidation and bullying against those who disagree with them.
Get out of your comfort zone. Get informed on the events worldwide as well as local. The Nazis took over Germany using the same tactics the conservatives are using. Turning Americans against each other so they can divide and conquer.  Be loud and proud of being liberal open-minded people. Encourage other liberal-minded individuals to sign up for our newsletter and participate. Each election is a dress rehearsal for the next, to do things better.

The upcoming election is “Non-Partisan” and Republicans would have you believe party doesn’t matter but it does!  Here in Greene County, there are 107 republicans running against 29 Democrats.  This overpowering number is designed to keep their death grip on policy and government at the grassroots level. If you don’t like the ultra-conservative and Republican agenda, you need to run for office yourself or at least donate and campaign for a candidate. Fair Districts and Bipartisanship only work for Republicans if they are getting “everything” and giving Democrats “nothing.”

Remember this will never end and we can never give up. Stay Safe, stay healthy.

Yours in solidarity,

Doris Adams, Chair Greene County Democratic Party