October 4 (Monday) is the last day to register to vote or update your voter registration for the November 2 election.
Author: Lee Kirkpatrick
A Message from Our Chair: A lot of voters are overwhelmed by the extent of the paranoia of the ultra-conservatives today. You should realize that reasoning with the unreasonable is a gesture in futility. Anything that goes right or wrong during President Biden’s term will be painted as evil by the conservatives. I agree with an article by Perry Bacon Jr. from the Washington Post, “On most issues, Biden has popular opinion behind him, He should drop the pretense that bipartisan agreement is possible, and “fight on more polarized issues instead of trying to dodge them.” For those who have not participated in the Fair Districts hearings, I would like to bring home one very clear point: Gerrymandering is simply one of the republican’s best tool of Voter Suppression. When people feel their votes do not count, why bother to vote? Fair Districts should be the norm regardless of what party is in office. Democracy is not a democracy when money and corporations continue to manipulate us. Don’t give in, fight, email, call your elected officials and demand they do right by all Americans, not just the domestic terrorists who are intimidating them. (You can see/download a list of your elected officials after every certified election. Keep it next to your computer/phone and whenever they support issues that affect us adversely, demand they grow a backbone.) Participate in our party, don’t just show up a few days before an election. Come and observe the Executive meetings, (always the 3rd Thurs. of each month 7 PM) the Democratic Club, (always 2nd Sat. at noon.) I need Volunteers for committees, like a regular 4-man crew, with a couple of trucks, to haul equipment to Fair, festivals, parades, setup, teardown, and return equipment to HQ. (The virus may put a hitch in a lot of those events right now.) We will still need people to do literature drops, hand out candidates lists at BOE for early voting, become Precinct Captains, make phone calls, attend local government meetings to keep us informed of issues in their part of our county, run for public office, or volunteer on a local candidate’s campaign, become a “Supporting Member,” etc. Don’t allow yourself to be bullied or depressed. Democracy is a living breathing, messy thing, it is constantly evolving but we must provide guidance as citizens, that is each of our responsibility. Read a great little book “A User’s Guide to Democracy, How America Works” by Nick Capodice and Hannah McCarthy from NPR, for those who want to refresh their memory of Government class or those who aren’t political junkies. Yours in Solidarity, Doris Adams |
Click here for our most recent newsletter.
The reward has been increased to $4000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for the damage to our headquarters. This was the third attack.

I’ve jotted down a few items for you to consider.
- I get a lot of people asking “what is the party doing about this issue, candidate or cause?” Everyone has a “voice” and they need to exercise it. Anyone can get involved in anything by simply picking up their phone or emailing their elected officials on a daily basis to express their views.
- Always leave your name and address when you call a representative, that way they know you are an actual voter and not a robot. (That’s what they try to infer if they don’t like the message you’re leaving.)
- Each of us are the party, let the elected officials know that we’re watching and that we’re holding them accountable.
- Ohio has 8 million Voters, 117 registered that shouldn’t have, but 104 of those, did not vote. Only 13 out of the 117 cast ballots were cast illegally and that is being investigated.
- Ohio’s Republican Secretary of State, Frank LaRose has stated “Our Voting Process is Secure and our Elections are 99.98% Accurate!!!”
- Rather than stirring up emotions about illegal voters to justify voter suppression laws, Politicians need to stop wasting time on phony smoke screen laws and do something to benefit the voters.
- If you hear of something that you think would help the Greene County Democratic Party or if you have an idea that might help, bring the item/idea to the notice of myself, or the GCDP communications team, or the President of the GCDP Club or you can bring it up at the Executive Committee Meeting.
- The Greene County Fair starts August 2, 2021, and we have a tent to help voters check their registration status or to register to vote. Doing our part to help get folks vaccinated, anyone who shows their Vaccination Card at our tent at the Greene County Fair will receive one free, hand fan saying “Responsible Americans get Vaccinated!”
Stay safe, stay healthy, yours in solidarity.
Doris Adams, GCDP Chairman
**Any questions email: Dadams1999@gmail.com
** or call and leave your name, number, and a brief message at 937-376-3386 – I will call you back at my first opportunity.
Message from Our Chair Fellow Democrats, Domestic terrorism is still alive and well in Xenia. For the 3rd time, our HQ has been attacked. Each event was well-planned. Although we have excellent cameras and excellent coverage, these perpetrators do their deeds during the night hours and in a manner that makes identification impossible. (Fast, night, covered head to toe, …) – Both of our large windows were smashed. – Yes the cameras worked, but the perpetrator wore black from head to toe. – Yes, Police were contacted. – I am offering a $1,000.00 reward for information leading to arrest & conviction. ![]() Democrats are strong and we will not be intimidated. What can you do to help? 1. I need Democrats stepping up to run for local, countywide offices. (Don’t complain that there’s no Democrats to vote for, if not you, who?) 2. I need Democrats to volunteer to become Precinct Captains. Are you able to Captain two precincts? 3. I need Democrats to volunteer to work at County Fairs and Festivals. (Get to know your fellow Greene County Democrats!) 4. When you get flyers in your email from gcdpcommunications@gmail.com – print them and post them on any public bulletin boards you know of, e.g., Kroger, the Y, library, … 5. Visit our HQ where flyers and materials are there for you to distribute 6. Spread the word using your social media (aka keyboard warriors in some circles) 7. Watch our social media sites. (there is a link to the news coverage with a video of the event on our FaceBook page) **Any questions email: Dadams1999@gmail.com ** or call and leave your name, number, and a brief message at 937-376-3386 – I will call you back at my first opportunity. Yours in solidarity, Doris Adams, GCDP Chairman On-line Donations can be done at the link below https://secure.actblue.com/donate/gcdpoh Send a Check in the Mail (do not mail to our physical address) GCDP PO Box 464 Xenia, OH 45385 |
Hello Everyone! We’ve come through a rough period and we’re now in a new normal. (Vaccinations, masks, gloves/handwashing.) Keep up the good work – we are getting the Covid 19 virus under control. Unfortunately, we lost 2 of our members to Covid 19 but we don’t want to lose more. Please take care and continue to do what we know works to avoid getting the virus. What we need you to do because talking to each other endlessly, won’t make a difference. 1. Email/phone everyday elected officials to register your displeasure about the nitpicking laws that suppress our right to protest, suppress voter rights, harm the environment, etc. (Check out Facebook page “How things work at the Ohio Statehouse.” 2. I need Democrats stepping up to run for local, countywide offices. (Don’t complain that there’s no Democrats to vote for, if not you, who?) 3. I need Democrats to volunteer to become Precinct Captains. Are you able to Captain two precincts? 4. I need Democrats to volunteer to work at County Fairs and Festivals. (Get to know your fellow Greene County Democrats!) **Any questions email: Dadams1999@gmail.com ** or call and leave your name, number, and a brief message at 937-376-3386 – I will call you back at my first opportunity. Yours in solidarity, Doris Adams, GCDP Chairman |
Our HQ is closed today (June 19th) in honor of Juneteenth.