Due to the extent and degree to which Ohio House of Representatives Speaker Householder (Republican) is accused of violating the public trust, the Greene County Democratic Party calls on Speaker Householder to resign. The former Chair of the Ohio Republican Party and at least 8 other Republican Representatives were identified in the affidavit and as such, we call on the Ohio Republican Party to condemn this corruption. We also call on the Ohio Republican Party to work transparently with the FBI to complete the investigation as expeditiously as possible and request all others involved to resign. A few details follow. In the criminal complaint with the affidavit sworn to by Blane J. Wetzel, Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation, against Speaker Householder notes a conspiracy to conduct racketeering activities consisting of multiple acts of involving bribery, money laundering, and other indictable crimes. Within the affidavit, the goals of the conspiracy include bribes to further Householder’s political power in the state, to benefit others involved with, to conceal and protect activities from becoming known, and to prevent possible criminal prosecution. (A link to the affidavit will be placed on GCDP.org as well as the Greene County (Ohio) Democratic Party FaceBook page.)
Author: Lee Kirkpatrick
At its meeting on Thursday, June 18, 2020, the Executive Committee of Greene County Democratic Party unanimously passed resolutions “Declaring Racism a Public Health Crisis” and “Supporting Voting Rights and a Safe, Fair and Accessible General Election.”
Greene County Democratic Party (GCDP) recognizes that racism is a public health emergency that must be recognized, addressed, and remedied for the good of our nation, our community, and our citizens.
GCDP is also committed to promoting access to voting for all eligible citizens of Ohio, facilitating the casting of ballots, and fighting voter suppression or disenfranchisement in all forms.
Greene County Democratic Party
10 S. Detroit Street
Xenia, OH 45385
(937) 372-6003
For immediate release – May 31, 2020
For more information contact: Doris Adams
Phone: (937) 372-6003
E-mail: communications@gcdp.org
Bullets were fired into the Greene County Democratic Party (GCDP) Headquarters in the overnight hours of May 29th to May 30th. Five bullet holes were discovered on the premises. This incident was reported to the Xenia Police Department and the FBI. Investigations are in progress.
GCDP Headquarters is located at 10 S. Detroit Street in Xenia. This is a main intersection in the city near the Greene County Courthouse, the Xenia Police Department and a bicycle path. This event was preceded by another incident on April 11, 2020 when a window at GCDP Headquarters was shattered by a concrete object.
These incidents were cowardly acts perpetrated by people who do not represent who we are in Greene County. The persons who performed these acts of vandalism, violence and terrorism pose dangers to the safety of our citizens. Intimidations made against a political party are a threat to our democracy and the rule of law. The GCDP calls on all good people, and especially our elected officials, to condemn these assaults on our community. We will defend democracy and the freedom to vote.
About the Greene County Democratic Party (GCDP):
The GCDP is the local chapter of the Democratic Party.
There is now a $500 reward. Please call the Xenia police at (937-372-9901) if you have any information about person or persons involved in this action
Greene County Democratic Party
10 S. Detroit Street Xenia, OH 45385
(937) 372-6003
For immediate release – May 5, 2020
For more information contact:
Kim McCarthy, Judy Douglas or Rebecca Mark
Phone: (937) 372-6003
E-mail: communications@gcdp.org
On May 1, 2020, Greene County’s Legislative Breakfast was held by videoconference and hosted by the Beavercreek Chamber of Commerce. Elected officials from federal, state and local governments, as well as representatives from other area Chambers of Commerce, attended this important event. The focus of the meeting was on economic activity during the COVID19 pandemic. The discussion centered on the efforts to balance public health considerations with financial recovery for businesses and individuals. Speakers included elected officials or their staffers. In attendance were Senators Sherrod Brown and Rob Portman, Representative Mike Turner, Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose, Ohio State Senator Bob Hacket, Ohio Representatives Rick Perales and Bill Dean, and, Greene County Commissioner Dick Gould.
All of the speakers, with the notable exception of Rep. Bill Dean from Ohio House District 74, delivered informative statements on how economic damage due to the pandemic might be mitigated, and how to safely manage the re-opening of businesses. They praised healthcare providers and essential workers. They commended Ohio citizens in their efforts to keep themselves and others safe by wearing protective equipment and by maintaining social distance. They discussed the need to balance safety with the economy. But Mr. Dean used his time at the conference to say:
“My take is different on all this stuff. This is all perpetrated by the Democrats to get Trump out of office and some of the Republicans also. And it’s just a farce and it’s just all BS. We need to eliminate all the rules and let the private sector do what they do best and get back to work and it’s been perpetrated by a bunch of snowflakes that are running our country. That’s all I got to say.”
The Greene County Democratic Party calls on Rep. Dean to retract his divisive words and apologize for promoting an unfounded conspiracy theory. The Democratic Party did not manufacture the COVID19 pandemic nor did it orchestrate the public health response which curtailed economic activity for the sake of minimizing morbidity and mortality. The Coronavirus has affected the health and financial well being of both Republicans and Democrats. At this uncertain and trying time, we need leaders who can bring Ohio together and make efficacious plans for the future.
About the Greene County Democratic Party (GCDP):
The GCDP is the local chapter of the Democratic Party.
“Today, more than 60,000 Americans have died from a deadly virus Donald Trump ignored. With the economy in shambles, more than 26 million Americans are out of work — the worst economy in decades.” Click here for the video.
IF you have requested an absentee ballot, and IF your request was processed by the BOE, but you didn’t receive your ballot yet, you may be able to vote. Check the status of your request at: https://lookup.boe.ohio.gov/vtrapp/greene/avlookup.aspx to make sure that your request was processed. See last paragraph for an explanation of why the BOE may have been unable to process your request.
If you receive your ballot by Monday, you can fill it out and put it in the mail but it MUST be post marked NLT Monday, April 27. Your other option is to hand deliver it to the secure box at your board of elections (Greene County BOE is at 551 Ledbetter Rd., Xenia).
If you receive your ballot on Tuesday, you can fill it out and hand-deliver it to the Greene County Board of Elections. There is a secure box there. Cutoff time is 7:30 PM Tuesday, April 28.
If you don’t receive your ballot in time despite your request being processed, you can vote a provisional ballot, along with disabled and homeless voters, at your BOE on Tuesday, April 28, cutoff time is 7:30 PM.
If you requested an absentee ballot, but your request was NOT processed, you cannot vote a provisional ballot. This might happen if your request was not completed correctly or completely. The BOE will try to contact you using the contact information you provided on the application (phone number and/or email address). If they could not reach you, they could not resolve the issue so your request was not processed. Bottom line here: don’t wait until the last minute for the next election.
Please stop calling your local board of elections because the staff is working like crazy to process your request for ballots, to get your ballots out, process the incoming ballots & time spent on the phone is delaying them from getting your requests processed.
All voting in the 2020 Primary Election is by mail and you must request an absentee ballot in order to vote.
They must be postmarked by April 17 – time is running out!
If you need an absentee ballot application and you cannot print your own, please call us at 937-376-3386 and leave your name and phone number so that we can get one to you.

If you have a printer, you can print a request from the BOE website (https://www.co.greene.oh.us/…/Application-for-Absentee-Ball…) and then complete and sign the form or write a letter which includes:
1. Name
2. Address
3. Address to send the ballot to if different from home address
4. Birth date
5. Ohio driver’s license number or the last four digits of your Social Security Number
6. Election for which you are requesting a ballot – Use March 17, 2020 2020 or Primary 2020
7. Party affiliation – Democratic, Republican or Issues Only
8. A statement that you are a qualified voter
9. Signature of voter
10. While not required a telephone number or email address is helpful if we need to contact you.
You may also call the BOE and request that an absentee application may be mailed to them at 937 562-6170. Please note that printing your own request or writing a letter will be quicker. Requests for absentee ballots may be received until noon on April 25, 2020. You may mail your request to the Greene County Board of Elections at 551 Ledbetter Road, Xenia, OH 45385 or you may drop off applications in the ballot box outside the office at the same address. Voted ballots must be postmarked by April 27, 2020 or may be dropped off in the ballot box outside our office until 7:30 PM on April 28, 2020. There will be no in-person voting at the polls for this election.
Voting for the Ohio Primary Election has been extended through April 28 and will be conducted through mailed-in absentee ballots.
Click here to fill out and print your Absentee Ballot request form.
Here is what you need to know about voting: (thanks to Tyler Buchanan of the Ohio Capital Journal)
- Ohioans will have to request an absentee ballot from their respective counties’ boards of elections office.
- The request form is available online. Voters can print and fill it out, then send it to their elections office. Or they can request the application form be mailed to them to be mailed back.
- Once Ohioans are approved as an absentee voter, they will receive their blank ballot in the mail.
- The filled-out ballot can be mailed back or dropped off to their board of elections office. It must be postmarked by April 27 to count.
- You can find contact and mailing information for the 88 county boards of elections offices here.
Our Headquarters is closed until further notice. All meetings are cancelled until further notice. Stay home and be safe!