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Public Hearings for New Jail


The Greene County Board of Commissioners will conduct two public hearings to receive testimony on the proposed levying of an additional 0.25 percent to the County Sales and Use Tax for the purpose of supporting Criminal and Administrative Justice Services in Greene County, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code 5739.021.  The Greene County Sheriff will make a presentation at each public hearing on the need for Criminal and Administrative Justice Services as well as projected costs.

The first hearing will be held Thursday, November 7, 2019 at 1:30 p.m. and the second hearing will be held Thursday, November 14, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. Both hearings will be in the Commissioners’ meeting chambers, 35 Greene Street, Xenia, Ohio.

All interested parties are encouraged to attend.  If unable to attend, written comments will be accepted and will become part of the record.  Send written comments to the above address

Voting Info!

Early voting begins on the 29th day prior to the election.
Voters must have valid ID which includes an Ohio DL, utility bill, government document or check or payroll check issued within the last 12 months. All forms of ID (with the exception of DL) name and address must match VR record. DL name must match but address can be different. 
Voters with SSN only must vote as absentee voters prior to Election Day. This means they must complete an absentee request form and vote a paper ballot. On Election Day voters with only SSN as ID must vote provisional ballot.
Official count may start on the 11th day after the election and must start by the 15th day after the election and conclude by the 21st day after.

Generally voters who do not vote for 2 election cycles receive a confirmation notice. If a voter does not respond to such notice and who doesn’t have any other voter activity generally may have registration cancelled 4 years after the mailing of such notice  

All valid absentee ballots returned by 7:30 PM election night are counted that night. This includes early voting. All other valid absentee ballots and valid provisional ballots are counted during the official count. 

Democrats on the Ballot Nov. 2019

These are the Democrats on the ballot for the Nov. 05, 2019 Non-Partisan General Election,

depending on where you live.  

    Name:                                                       Office:                                   Subdivision

  1. Elaine Brown                                   Fiscal Officer                        Bath Twp.  
  2. Jeff Flora                                           Trustee                                  Bath Twp.
  3. Christopher Stein                          Board Member                   Bvcrk. City SD
  4. Gene Taylor                                     Board Member                   Bvcrk. City SD
  5. Peg Arnold                                       Board Member                   Bvcrk. City SD
  6. Darrell McGill                                 Council Member                 Bellbrook City
  7. Douglas Johnson                            Mayor                                    Bellbrook City
  8. Gary Ellison                                     Mayor                                    Bowersville Village
  9. Tony Pergram                                 Mayor                                    Cedarville Village
  10.  Robert Moses                                Council Member                 Clifton Village
  11.  Clinton Allen                                  Council Member                 Fairborn City
  12.  Tana Stanton                                 Council Member                 Fairborn City
  13.  Roger Caraway                              Trustee                                  Jefferson Twp.
  14.  Margaret Silliman                        Fiscal Officer                        Miami Twp.             
  15.  Lori Carroll                                      Mayor                                    Spring Valley Village
  16.  Nada Colwell                                  Council Member     S            pring Valley Village
  17.  Edgar Wallace                                Council Member                 Xenia City
  18.  Thomas Scrivens                           Council Member                 Xenia City
  19.  Barbara Wead, WRITE in CAN.            Trustee                                  Xenia Twp.
  20.  Jacqueline Robinson                    Fiscal Officer                        Xenia Twp.
  21.  Sylvia Ellison                                  Board Member                   Yellow Springs Exempted Vill. SD
  22.  TJ Turner     Board Member            Yellow Springs Exempted Vill. SD      
  23.  Laura Curliss                                   Yellow Springs Village            Council Member
  24.  Lisa Kreeger                                   Yellow Springs Village            Council Member
  25.  Marianne MacQueen                  Yellow Springs Village            Council Member
  26. Pam Conine                                     Yellow Springs Village            Mayor

*Early Voting for this election begins Oct. 08, 2019

*General Election (Non Partisan) Tues. Nov. 5, 2019

Questions and Issues for Nov. 5 General Election

Greene County, Ohio

  1. Bath Township -Fire/EMS, renewal, 7 mills, 5 years, commencing 2020
  2. Cedarville Township & Village- Fire services, renewal, 2 mills, 5 years, commencing 2020
  3. Cedarville Township & Village – Current expenses, renewal, 1 mill, 5 years, commencing 2020
  4. Silvercreek Township & Village of Jamestown – Fire services, renewal, 2.3 mills, 5 years, commencing 2020
  5. Caesarscreek Township – Fire/EMS, renewal, 1.5 mills, 5 years, commencing 2019
  6. Beavercreek Township – Fire/EMS, additional, 3.5 mills, continuing period of time, commencing 2019
  7. Sugarcreek Township – Police services, renewal, 2 mills, 5 years, commencing 2020
  8. Xenia Township – Fire/EMS, renewal, 3 mills, 5 years, commencing 2020
  9. Greene Co Park District (Greene County Parks & Trails)- Operations, renewal, 0.9 mill, 5 years, commencing 2020
  10. Jamestown Village – Police services, renewal, 3.5 mills, 5 years, commencing 2020
  11. Clifton Village – Current expenses, renewal, 6.5 mills, 5 years, commencing 2020
  12. Clifton Village- Current Expenses, renewal, 2 mills, 5 years, commencing 2020
  13. Yellow Springs Village- Charter Amendments
  14.  Beavercreek City – Charter Amendments Overlap Issues
  15. Southeastern LSD- General Improvements, renewal, 3 mills, 5 years, commencing 2020
  16. Local Option – Aldi’s – Sunday Sales – Precinct 22
  17. Local Option – True North – Sunday Sales – Precinct 150 Local Option – Casey’s General Store – Precinct 320

The information provided in this document by the Greene County Board of Elections is believed to be accurate, but not guaranteed. The Greene County Board of Elections disclaims liability for any errors or omissions.

Greene County Board of Elections website:

Early In-Person Voting Has Begun!

Early Voting Office is located at 551 Ledbetter Road, Xenia. . Regular Municipal Elections, Primary Elections, and Special Elections

Weeks One, Two and Three of Voting (beginning with the day after the close of registration for the election [October 8, 2019], except any holiday established by state law – please note the Early Voting office is closed on Monday October 14, 2019 in observance of Columbus Day)

  • 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on each weekday (Monday through Friday)

Week Four of Voting

  • 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on each weekday (Monday through Friday)
  • 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on the Saturday before Election Day
  • 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on the Sunday before Election Day

Week of Election Day

  • 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on the Monday before Election Day

Petition Signing Event in Beavercreek!

Petition Signing Opportunity!!!

On Monday, October 14, from 3-6 PM, you will have the opportunity to sign 3 important petitions. This event is located at the Dale and Eileen Martin residence at 3885 E. Patterson Rd, Beavercreek, OH  45430.  You will be able to conveniently sign all three petitions at the station set up in the garage.

  1. Petition to Overturn HB6.  Ohioans Against Corporate Bailouts is circulating petitions to overturn Ohio HB6 – a bill that would gut our clean energy standards and bailout aging coal plants (1 in Indiana) and 2 nuclear plants. Right now it is HUGELY important that we collect the 266,000 signatures that get this on the Ohio ballot in 2020.
  2. Petition for John P. O’Donnell. Cuyahoga County Judge John P. O’Donnell is circulating petitions for a seat as a Justice on the Ohio Supreme Court. Judge O’Donnell needs our help to get on the ballot so please stop by and sign his petitions.
  3. Gun Background Checks.  This petition is to put a proposal that will effectively require background checks on all gun purchases before the General Assembly, from Ohioans for Gun Safety.  This is especially important due to Gov. DeWine’s decision to retreat from backing a “red flag” law and mandatory background checks on private gun sales.

Make sure you are registered to vote in order to sign! Check here.

Sign Petition Against HB6!

There are 3 locations in Greene County for interested people to add their signature to the petition to overturn HB6 via a proposed referendum on the ballot. Add your name to help shut down the LIES that are being spread against stopping this corporate bailout/renewable energy killer bill!

Ohioans Against Corporate Bailouts, the group behind the anti-House Bill 6 effort, has till October 21 to gather the almost 266,000 valid signatures from registered Ohio voters needed to place the measure on the 2020 ballot. HAVE YOUR NAME BE ONE OF THEM!!

The law, House Bill 6, adds an 85 cent monthly fee to the electric bill of most Ohio customers. That fee will provide $150 million a year to FirstEnergy Solutions to prop up two unprofitable nuclear power plants in northern Ohio. It also lets utilities add subsidies to boost two failing coal power plants (one in Indiana).

Daniel McGuire, one of the petition circulators, will be in Greene County so we have 3 opportunities to sign the petition.

1. At GCDP Headquarters, 10 S. Detroit St, Xenia, OH.  Saturday, October 5, 2-3 PM

2. At the GCDP booth at the Spring Valley Potato Festival, in downtown Spring Valley, Saturday, October 5, 4:30-9 PM. We will be on Main Street in front of house #110.

3. At the GCDP Men’s Club booth at the Yellow Spring Street Fair, Saturday, October 12, 12-6 PM.
Make sure you are registered to vote in order to sign! Check here..

For more info on the initiative –

Men’s Club Recap from the Yellow Springs Street Fair

The Greene County Democratic Club provided a booth at the Yellow Springs Street Festival on June 8th which was located on private property next to Detroit Street.  We had an awning to mark our booth and placed signs, perhaps twenty, adjacent to our booth to inform and educate those passing by. It is somewhat of an understatement to say the signs were not complimentary to Trump or the policies of the Republican Party.  Many people read the signs and took pictures of those that seized their fancy. The largest and the most prominent sign was our keynote sign: We Need Responsible Government, Elect Democrats.

During the Festival we conducted a “Straw Poll” that consisted of three ballot boxes.  One was to vote for Democratic candidates for President, one for to vote for Republican candidates for President, and one to vote yay or nay to impeach Trump.  There were no rules and the names of the national candidates were not given so a vote could be cast for anyone and a vote could be cast in two or all three contests.  

Only those who do not believe in the Climate Crises will believe the outcome of our straw polls were statistically significant.  However, we will still provide our principal conclusions here so Congress and the American people can make up their own minds.

Fifty people cast their votes in the Democratic straw poll.  Warren received 30%, Biden received 18%, Buttigieg received 14%, Sanders received 14%, and Harris received 12%.  The rest of the votes were onesies and twosies. Thirty-four also cast votes for Vice President on the Democratic poll and of those, Buttigieg received 26%, Biden and Harris each received 18%, and Warren received 9%.  The remainder of the Vice Presidential votes were scattered widely among the candidates. Only two people cast their vote in the Republican straw poll; one vote for was for Weld and one vote for Amash. Forty-one people voted on the question of whether to impeach Trump.  Of those voting 78% voted to impeach, 12% a maybe, and 10% voted no. Of the maybes, there were comments such as wait for the Congressional inquiries before impeachment. On the no votes were admonitions by half the voters to “listen to Pelosi.”

Thanks for everyone who participated in the poll and the discussions.  I am going to conclude that we moved closer to responsible government and will elect Democrats in 2020