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Infrastructure Legislation and Internet Access – how you will benefit

The Infrastructure legislation includes monies to “ensure every American has acccess to high-speed internet”. What does that mean?

Here are a *few* items to consider.

– access to internet and reduced costs

– children who are able to do their homework from home

– close the digital divide between the haves and have nots

– ability to apply on-line for jobs (the *only* way to apply for many jobs these days)

– ability to apply for unemployment, SNAP, and many other US government programs and benefits

– ability to do on-line banking for those who have difficulty driving, walking, standing, or whose bank is distant

If you need help now here is a great program that started about June 1st this year. Please share this on your social media.

How will the Infrastructure Legislation put items back on shelves and create jobs?

This legislation will provide monies to repair, eliminate maintenance backlogs, and reduce congestion. Years of neglect have left us with crumbling roads and bridges.

Millions are designated for repairing, upgrading, and reimagining our ports and airports. Reducing the congestion at our ports has been noted to be the first priority.

Yes, covid has had an impact on what we can and cannot buy when we want due to factory closings, but our ports and airports have not been invested in over the years and that failure to invest in our ports is now evident as demand for goods has increased.

This legislation will strength our supply chain to help move goods faster, more efficiently, and make us more competitive in global commerce.

This work will create good Union jobs. Our President Biden has noted often how important Union jobs are to the middle class.

There will be non-Union jobs as well – all the other businesses that benefit from the increased monies coming into the community.

What the Potential Education Benefits of the Build Back Better Proposal Mean to YOU


  • 3-4 year olds will have universal and free preschool

– preschool kids do better in school

– preschool kids are more likely to graduate high school

– preschool kids are more likely to graduate college

– preschool kids earn more as adults

* education beyond high school

– training and college

– Pell Grants will e increased

* investments in Historically Black Colleges/Universities

* investments in Tribal Colleges/Universityies

* investments in minority serving institutions

* financial aid to low-income students

* quality training support for good, union, middle class jobs

* investment in proven approaches like Registered Apprenticeships

A message from our Chair

Many thanks to those who helped pass out slates for this Non-Partisan election – those who volunteered as Poll Workers, Rovers, logistics and accuracy testing, and those who provided added muscle at the Board of Elections.

     Most people don’t realize that the amount of attention to detail and effort that goes into a Local Non-Partisan election is the same as a Presidential election.  As soon as this election is finished and certified, we start preparing for the next election. (May 03, 2022 – Primary, then Nov. 08, 2022, Gubernatorial.)

     Our party and our Democracy need you – when we participate by volunteering, getting informed, voting, and donating, we can make a difference. Democracy is messy but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. The United States may be a young nation but we are the longest continuous democracy. Don’t let it fail because we get tired or depressed due to the conspiracy theories that so many believe in or due to the ignorance of folks in how elections take place. Keep talking to your neighbors, family, friends, and co-workers.  “Truth matters here.” – Lt. Col. Vindman.

   Our Democratic Party principles are people-oriented and worth struggling to put into place as well as talking to others about them.  Patriotic Democrats are working to get to bottom of the January 6 Capitol attack while Republicans and others are busy trying to ignore what happened and put it behind them.  

    Unfortunately, Trump and his followers, with the complicit approval of many in the Republican party, have emboldened bullying behavior and the pushing of false narratives to create chaos, mutilate the truth, and divide society.  Don’t let lies and bullying dissuade you from standing firm for our ideals and for sympathizing with those less fortunate.  We have many battles to fight, keep up your courage, fight the good fight, and don’t ever give up.

Doris Adams, GCDP Chairman

A Message from Our Chair

  Participation is the key to a strong party. Democrats are trusting individuals who care about less fortunate folks and try to help them. Becoming a Precinct Captain. or Candidate, volunteering at HQ, making phone calls, passing out slates, doing literature drops, Voter Registration drives, and donations early on to candidates is critical. As your Greene County Democratic Party we’re happy for donations anytime but those that are “Supporting Members” (Those who consistently donate yearly to maintain our HQ and the expenses involved, are Solid Gold Democrats.)

We need volunteers at the Board of Elections as poll workers, rovers, logic & accuracy testing, and the list goes on.
 This is another way to support not only our Party but our Democracy.

The ultra-conservatives use lies, fear-mongering, and division to lather up their crazy extremists.  To gain and maintain their extreme views these ultra-conservatives use voter suppression tactics to keep legitimate voters from voting and use intimidation and bullying against those who disagree with them.
Get out of your comfort zone. Get informed on the events worldwide as well as local. The Nazis took over Germany using the same tactics the conservatives are using. Turning Americans against each other so they can divide and conquer.  Be loud and proud of being liberal open-minded people. Encourage other liberal-minded individuals to sign up for our newsletter and participate. Each election is a dress rehearsal for the next, to do things better.

The upcoming election is “Non-Partisan” and Republicans would have you believe party doesn’t matter but it does!  Here in Greene County, there are 107 republicans running against 29 Democrats.  This overpowering number is designed to keep their death grip on policy and government at the grassroots level. If you don’t like the ultra-conservative and Republican agenda, you need to run for office yourself or at least donate and campaign for a candidate. Fair Districts and Bipartisanship only work for Republicans if they are getting “everything” and giving Democrats “nothing.”

Remember this will never end and we can never give up. Stay Safe, stay healthy.

Yours in solidarity,

Doris Adams, Chair Greene County Democratic Party

A word from our Chair

A Message from Our Chair:
A lot of voters are overwhelmed by the extent of the paranoia of the ultra-conservatives today. You should realize that reasoning with the unreasonable is a gesture in futility. Anything that goes right or wrong during President Biden’s term will be painted as evil by the conservatives.  
I agree with an article by Perry Bacon Jr. from the Washington Post, “On most issues, Biden has popular opinion behind him, He should drop the pretense that bipartisan agreement is possible, and “fight on more polarized issues instead of trying to dodge them.”  
For those who have not participated in the Fair Districts hearings, I would like to bring home one very clear point: Gerrymandering is simply one of the republican’s best tool of Voter Suppression. When people feel their votes do not count, why bother to vote?    
Fair Districts should be the norm regardless of what party is in office. Democracy is not a democracy when money and corporations continue to manipulate us. Don’t give in, fight, email, call your elected officials and demand they do right by all Americans, not just the domestic terrorists who are intimidating them. (You can see/download a list of your elected officials after every certified election. Keep it next to your computer/phone and whenever they support issues that affect us adversely, demand they grow a backbone.)   
Participate in our party, don’t just show up a few days before an election. Come and observe the Executive meetings, (always the 3rd Thurs. of each month 7 PM)  the Democratic Club, (always 2nd Sat. at noon.) I need Volunteers for committees, like a regular 4-man crew, with a couple of trucks, to haul equipment to Fair, festivals, parades, setup, teardown, and return equipment to HQ. (The virus may put a hitch in a lot of those events right now.)    
We will still need people to do literature drops, hand out candidates lists at BOE for early voting, become Precinct Captains, make phone calls, attend local government meetings to keep us informed of issues in their part of our county, run for public office, or volunteer on a local candidate’s campaign, become a “Supporting Member,” etc. 
   Don’t allow yourself to be bullied or depressed. Democracy is a living breathing, messy thing, it is constantly evolving but we must provide guidance as citizens, that is each of our responsibility.
Read a great little book “A User’s Guide to Democracy, How America Works” by Nick Capodice and Hannah McCarthy from NPR, for those who want to refresh their memory of Government class or those who aren’t political junkies.

Yours in Solidarity,  Doris Adams