The reward has been increased to $4000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for the damage to our headquarters. This was the third attack.

The reward has been increased to $4000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for the damage to our headquarters. This was the third attack.
I’ve jotted down a few items for you to consider.
Stay safe, stay healthy, yours in solidarity.
Doris Adams, GCDP Chairman
**Any questions email:
** or call and leave your name, number, and a brief message at 937-376-3386 – I will call you back at my first opportunity.
Message from Our Chair Fellow Democrats, Domestic terrorism is still alive and well in Xenia. For the 3rd time, our HQ has been attacked. Each event was well-planned. Although we have excellent cameras and excellent coverage, these perpetrators do their deeds during the night hours and in a manner that makes identification impossible. (Fast, night, covered head to toe, …) – Both of our large windows were smashed. – Yes the cameras worked, but the perpetrator wore black from head to toe. – Yes, Police were contacted. – I am offering a $1,000.00 reward for information leading to arrest & conviction. ![]() Democrats are strong and we will not be intimidated. What can you do to help? 1. I need Democrats stepping up to run for local, countywide offices. (Don’t complain that there’s no Democrats to vote for, if not you, who?) 2. I need Democrats to volunteer to become Precinct Captains. Are you able to Captain two precincts? 3. I need Democrats to volunteer to work at County Fairs and Festivals. (Get to know your fellow Greene County Democrats!) 4. When you get flyers in your email from – print them and post them on any public bulletin boards you know of, e.g., Kroger, the Y, library, … 5. Visit our HQ where flyers and materials are there for you to distribute 6. Spread the word using your social media (aka keyboard warriors in some circles) 7. Watch our social media sites. (there is a link to the news coverage with a video of the event on our FaceBook page) **Any questions email: ** or call and leave your name, number, and a brief message at 937-376-3386 – I will call you back at my first opportunity. Yours in solidarity, Doris Adams, GCDP Chairman On-line Donations can be done at the link below Send a Check in the Mail (do not mail to our physical address) GCDP PO Box 464 Xenia, OH 45385 |
Hello Everyone! We’ve come through a rough period and we’re now in a new normal. (Vaccinations, masks, gloves/handwashing.) Keep up the good work – we are getting the Covid 19 virus under control. Unfortunately, we lost 2 of our members to Covid 19 but we don’t want to lose more. Please take care and continue to do what we know works to avoid getting the virus. What we need you to do because talking to each other endlessly, won’t make a difference. 1. Email/phone everyday elected officials to register your displeasure about the nitpicking laws that suppress our right to protest, suppress voter rights, harm the environment, etc. (Check out Facebook page “How things work at the Ohio Statehouse.” 2. I need Democrats stepping up to run for local, countywide offices. (Don’t complain that there’s no Democrats to vote for, if not you, who?) 3. I need Democrats to volunteer to become Precinct Captains. Are you able to Captain two precincts? 4. I need Democrats to volunteer to work at County Fairs and Festivals. (Get to know your fellow Greene County Democrats!) **Any questions email: ** or call and leave your name, number, and a brief message at 937-376-3386 – I will call you back at my first opportunity. Yours in solidarity, Doris Adams, GCDP Chairman |
Our HQ is closed today (June 19th) in honor of Juneteenth.
Ohio’s Anti-Voter Bill would reduce the number of days of early voting, shorten mail ballot access by a week, restrict ballot drop boxes, and codify new reasons to throw away ballots, among other changes opposed by pro-voter advocates.
Ohio’s latest anti-voter bill comes as Republicans across the country have introduced over 350 bills restricting the right to vote this year alone, including in Ohio, where House Republicans recently approved a resolution urging Congress not to pass the For the People Act, legislation to make sure voting options are equally accessible across all 50 states.
“What we saw today was unsettling—Republicans unwilling to engage in civil discourse on their bill that would silence the voices of Ohioans by rolling back the right to vote,” said Minority Leader Emilia Strong Sykes (D-Akron). “If Republicans are unwilling to hear the people out, Democrats are going to take this issue to the people.”
Leader Sykes and House Democrats Thursday announced a statewide listening tour to hear from Ohio voters about the Ohio Anti-Voter Bill. The tour will be June 2-5 in cities throughout the state. Tentative dates for the tour include:
• Wednesday, June 2 in Cincinnati from 6-8 p.m.
• Thursday, June 3 in Columbus from 6-8 p.m.
• Friday, June 4 in Akron from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
• Saturday, June 5 in Cleveland from 12-2 p.m.
Locations will be announced in the coming days.
Here is what other Democratic members of the committee are saying:
“Any bill that erodes our freedom to vote is a nonstarter. Period,” said Rep. Stephanie Howse (D-Cleveland). “HB 294 is an unwarranted rollback of our right to vote that’s every bit as dangerous as what passed in Georgia. The goal of this bill is simple—to suppress the votes and silence the voices of the marginalized and those who wish to be heard. We already have enough anti-voter laws in Ohio. We don’t need any more.”
“We had serious concerns about this bill and today’s hearing did nothing to allay those concerns. In fact, it confirmed them. This bill erodes our freedom to vote and anyone who values safe and accessible elections should be worried about the suppression tactics contained in this bill,” said Rep. Tavia Galonski (D-Akron).
“House Bill 294 is a divisive and dangerous anti-voter bill that contains many of the same attacks on our freedom to vote we saw pass in Georgia and other states—and Republicans don’t even want Ohioans to hear about it,” said Rep. Brigid Kelly (D-Cincinnati). “Our statewide tour will empower Ohioans to be heard. Because we know that a democracy that works for us must include all of us.”
Aryeh Alex (he/him)
Executive Director, Ohio House Democratic Caucus
Did you know that there will be two levies on the May 4 ballot for Xenia schools? One levy will fund a replacement for Warner Middle School. Replacing the school will be less expensive in the long run than repairing the plumbing, electrical, and heating systems in the old school. This levy will provide a better learning environment for our students and have a positive impact on property values within the school district. The second levy is a replacement of an existing levy (no increase in taxes). This levy is designed to extend the current tax levy, allowing for general upkeep and maintenance to continue in our school buildings and keep our students safe. This will not increase your tax rate! See the attached images for a Xenia student’s point of view.
Please spread the word. There will be someone at the Greene County Democratic Party Headquarters, 10 S. Detroit Street, Xenia OH, on the following dates and times to help you get an appointment for a Covid 19 vaccine. Virus Protection for COVID 19 is in effect. No more than two people may be inside at a time. Face masks are mandatory.
You can either stop by in person (masked, please) or call the office during the hours listed below (937-372-6003). If we are busy and cannot take your call, please leave a voice mail with your name and phone number for callback and over-the-phone assistance. Watch for a return phone call with the ending numbers 6003 or 0775.
Monday – March 15 – 11:30 am to 2:30 pm
Monday – March 22 – 11:30 am to 2:30 pm
Monday – March 29 – 11:30 am to 2:30 pm
Click here to access our COVID-19 Newsletter supplement containing more information and links.