This is WOMEN ELECTING WOMEN to our government!! Signup at ** LOCATION WILL CHANGE EVERY WEEK ** Talking to voters, one on one, is the best way to get them to the polls and voting WITH us. Women have been leading the revolution since the dawn of time. This year is no different. Let's … Continue reading Fems for Dems
We are at it again - spending the Saturday before the election OUT ON THE STREETS, letting people know not just WHO to vote for, but WHEN! We will have up to 6 different locations during the day - times and locations will be announced ASAP. Shifts are 2 hours long. Bring a chair, and … Continue reading Road Rallies – Greene County Wide
This is DEMS ELECTING DEMS TO END THE STATEHOUSE CORRUPTION in our government!! Sing up at ** Location will change every week ** Be it gerrymandering, women's rights, the environment or education and how to fund it - Republicans have MESSED THINGS UP!! We must eliminate the super majority that prevents accountability by electing … Continue reading Dems for Democracy-Ohio Statehouse Edition
It's time to CELEBRATE the hard work of SO MANY Democrats here in Greene over the past year! From our volunteers, to our Precinct Captains, to our candidates, we ALL gave our all, and it's time for GCDP to give BACK! Join us for pizza and drinks at Old Scratch Pizza, as we gather to … Continue reading Volunteer Celebration!