Chair: Kim McCarthy
Vice Chair: Clinton Allen
Secretary: Wil Jameson
Treasurer: Carrie Cook
Click for Greene County Democratic Party Constitution & Bylaws
To find your precinct captain, click here to look up your voter information which includes your precinct. Then click here for the current list of Greene County Precinct Captains and members of the Executive Committee.
MISSION: The mission of the Greene County Democratic Party is to support and elect Democrats to office, while promoting and protecting democratic values for the benefit of all residents.
- Be an effective political presence in Greene County.
- Build community across our county with those who share our values, so we can provide a solid foundation upon which candidates can run and win public office.
- Have our party’s image with the public be one of integrity and responsibility and be associated with:
(a) the promotion of an open and fair electoral system, and (b) a forwardlooking and people-centric platform.
- Have our party’s image with the public be one of integrity and responsibility and be associated with:
- Create a culture of inclusion and respect within our party while adhering to democratic principles.
ON THE ISSUES THAT MATTER, the policies that Democrats stand for are more popular. We better represent the needs of Greene County residents! And we consistently stand for democracy and the rule of law for all Americans. We work to elect Democrats locally, and to hold our elected officials accountable for their actions.
We are on the front line for electing people at the local level (on your municipal council, at your county commissioner’s office, and at the state level).
We are the volunteers on the ground, canvassing, collecting petition signatures, and distributing pamphlets. We register and educate voters on upcoming ballots and elections.
We keep our elected officials accountable, by attending their meetings and reporting on their decisions.