How will the Infrastructure Legislation put items back on shelves and create jobs?

This legislation will provide monies to repair, eliminate maintenance backlogs, and reduce congestion. Years of neglect have left us with crumbling roads and bridges.

Millions are designated for repairing, upgrading, and reimagining our ports and airports. Reducing the congestion at our ports has been noted to be the first priority.

Yes, covid has had an impact on what we can and cannot buy when we want due to factory closings, but our ports and airports have not been invested in over the years and that failure to invest in our ports is now evident as demand for goods has increased.

This legislation will strength our supply chain to help move goods faster, more efficiently, and make us more competitive in global commerce.

This work will create good Union jobs. Our President Biden has noted often how important Union jobs are to the middle class.

There will be non-Union jobs as well – all the other businesses that benefit from the increased monies coming into the community.