Men’s Club Recap from the Yellow Springs Street Fair

The Greene County Democratic Club provided a booth at the Yellow Springs Street Festival on June 8th which was located on private property next to Detroit Street.  We had an awning to mark our booth and placed signs, perhaps twenty, adjacent to our booth to inform and educate those passing by. It is somewhat of an understatement to say the signs were not complimentary to Trump or the policies of the Republican Party.  Many people read the signs and took pictures of those that seized their fancy. The largest and the most prominent sign was our keynote sign: We Need Responsible Government, Elect Democrats.

During the Festival we conducted a “Straw Poll” that consisted of three ballot boxes.  One was to vote for Democratic candidates for President, one for to vote for Republican candidates for President, and one to vote yay or nay to impeach Trump.  There were no rules and the names of the national candidates were not given so a vote could be cast for anyone and a vote could be cast in two or all three contests.  

Only those who do not believe in the Climate Crises will believe the outcome of our straw polls were statistically significant.  However, we will still provide our principal conclusions here so Congress and the American people can make up their own minds.

Fifty people cast their votes in the Democratic straw poll.  Warren received 30%, Biden received 18%, Buttigieg received 14%, Sanders received 14%, and Harris received 12%.  The rest of the votes were onesies and twosies. Thirty-four also cast votes for Vice President on the Democratic poll and of those, Buttigieg received 26%, Biden and Harris each received 18%, and Warren received 9%.  The remainder of the Vice Presidential votes were scattered widely among the candidates. Only two people cast their vote in the Republican straw poll; one vote for was for Weld and one vote for Amash. Forty-one people voted on the question of whether to impeach Trump.  Of those voting 78% voted to impeach, 12% a maybe, and 10% voted no. Of the maybes, there were comments such as wait for the Congressional inquiries before impeachment. On the no votes were admonitions by half the voters to “listen to Pelosi.”

Thanks for everyone who participated in the poll and the discussions.  I am going to conclude that we moved closer to responsible government and will elect Democrats in 2020