Another one! this is what they do!! Throw one bad bill after another to try to overwhelm objections. During busy December! More voter suppression, with new amendments this week to HB 458 , the old HB 458 is now the horrible Sub HB 458 probably worse than HB 294.
Go to to see the bullet points and submit your letter!

The first 3 provisions are the worst. Terrible new strict ID requirements, removing the option to vote provisionally with the last 4 of your social (if there is an issue with your ID or you forgot it), and requiring that absentee ballots be not only be postmarked the day before election day, BUT THAT THEY BE RECEIVED AT BOE BY ELECTION DAY! (currently there are 10 days to allow for slow mail, etc). The action link sends an email and only takes a minute. Please do it. Perhaps the outcome of the Georgia senate runoff is adding fuel to the R’s voter suppression fury.