Here are some ways that you can stay connected and involved in defending our democracy and promoting progressive values.
- BECOME A PRECINCT CAPTAIN. A large number of precincts across the county are in need of a Democrat to step up and be the contact for their Democratic neighbors. Let us find out for you if yours is in need! PCs serve on the Executive Committee and vote to elect Party Leadership, appoint PCs to vacant precincts and make changes to the Party By-Laws.
- SUPPORT YOUR PRECINCT CAPTAIN. We always need help to build and organize our base. This work continues year round.
- BECOME AN ELECTION VOLUNTEER. We need so many more hands as we approach election season each year. Sign up to help with the many different tasks that must be done!
- SIGN UP for our newsletter, follow our social media pages and share our content with friends.
- JOIN US at our quarterly Member Socials, held at various locations across the county.
- RUN FOR OFFICE, OR NOMINATE SOMEONE ELSE YOU THINK COULD! We are always looking for good people to run, up and down the ballot.
Are you a member yet? We encourage you to explore the benefits of membership on GCDP!