Update From our Chair

This time of year brings many changes – our kids go back to school, or off to college, and the weather starts to release its hold on summer. Here at GCDP, 90 days into our new “administration”, changes abound all over as well!
I wish to share a brief State of the Party update with you, so you can see where the energy has been flowing during that time.
1. Our neighborhood Precinct Captains groups are up and running! We have groups in Bellbrook/Sugarcreek, Beavercreek North, Beavercreek South,Yellow Springs, Xenia, and Jamestown, with Fairborn and Spring Valley next on the list. These groups have begun to connect with their Democrats in their precincts, and are doing the hard work of engaging and mobilizing them for not only the upcoming election but for our long-term growth. These groups are also going to provide the support and structure necessary for our Precinct Captains to build community together, a necessary component of our success!
2. New Branding. We have engaged Public Ruckus Inc to rebrand the party – and the results were JUST finalized yesterday. We have further work to do to implement these changes, and update our website etc, but we are on our way. They did a really wonderful job, and I cannot wait to share this with you in the next few weeks. We redesigned the GCDP County Fair tent, thanks to Migiwa Orimo for her hard work on that – it looked fabulous and attracted a lot of attention! The HQ has now also had a similar makeover – and the results speak for themselves! Come check it out!
3. We completed ODP’s strategic planning exercise. We now have clearly defined goals for the next 2 years in the following areas (one for each area) – Supporting the 2022 Coordinated Campaign; Structure & Internal Operations; Candidate Recruitment & Support in 2023 and 2024; and Year-Round Party-Building and Volunteer Activity. Details will be shared at the upcoming Executive Committee Meeting. This makes us eligible to have our annual fees refunded, along with being eligible for grant funding, to be allocated before November this year.
4. Overall, *our activity level has SKYROCKETED!  Our fundraising is up significantly, our social media reach has exploded, and volunteers (both for the election and for the long-term precinct building work) are streaming in! We’ve added 14 new Precinct Captains in the past 90 days alone! I am thrilled by the enthusiasm and commitment of so many, and look forward to working with everyone, as we do the hard work of changing the political climate here in Greene County.

So many people have been working hard on these and other projects, and for that, I am very grateful! But all of these projects and focuses will mean very little without YOU. We need your help. It’s going to take all of us. Please reach out to me directly so we can talk about how and where your skills and passion will best fit!

With gratitude,

Kim McCarthy