Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

More than its name!   Let’s show our support for the recently announced Inflation Reduction Act of 2022! Its many provisions, especially those addressing climate change, health care costs, and closing tax loopholes, have long been high priorities for Democrats, but up until now, 2022 legislation that includes climate change has been blocked by  Senator Joe Manchin.  We can champion this apparent breakthrough by urging support from Senators Brown, Portman and Representative Turner. While Senators Portman and Representative Turner may not support the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, it is important that they hear from us.

You can send an email to all three at  or  contact each individually:

Senator Brown  202-224-2315
Senator Portman  202-224-3353
Representative Turner  937-225-2843, 202-225-6465

 When you talk to neighbors and friends about the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, keep these items in mind. From Public Citizen, the act would

  • “Invest $369 billion in climate and energy proposals — making it the most substantial step Congress has ever taken to confront climate change.
  • Devote $64 billion to lower Affordable Care Act premiums for millions of Americans.
  • Save $288 billion on drug spending — including by giving Medicare the ability, at last, to negotiate prices for some prescription medicines.
  • Generate $313 billion in revenue through a 15% minimum tax on multinational corporations.
  • Raise another $138 billion in revenue by increasing IRS enforcement against bazillionaires and Big Business and by closing a tax loophole exploited by venture capitalists and private equity firms”

Senate Democrats emphasize that in the act there  “are no new taxes on families making $400,000 or less and no new taxes on small businesses.” Financing comes from “closing tax loopholes and enforcing the tax code.”