Less than 40 days to go. There’s not much on our minds right now besides the upcoming November 8 election. It’s that time of year when we ask Democrats to step up for our candidates and our democracy. It’s that time of year when we ask – would you add your hands to our deck? This election is as important as any Presidential year – our democracy is on the line. This is not hyperbole, this is THE situation we face here in Ohio. It’s democracy versus autocracy, thanks to decades of voter suppression, gerrymandered districts and rioting at the Capitol! Please, don’t leave anything on the table. We can use all the help we can get to let our neighbors know of the importance of not only voting, but voting DEMOCRAT all the way to the bottom of the ballot! You can canvass, make calls, staff booths at festivals, help out at the HQ – whatever your skills are, we will find a place for them. Please reach out to me if you would like to discuss this, or see below for opportunities to help. With gratitude, Kim McCarthy |
Author: admin
We will be at the Spring Valley Potato Festival October 1-2, along with our candidates! Please stop by to see us.
Canvassing in Greene County
Saturday, September 24, and Sunday, September 25 at multiple times. Join us as we partake in National Weekend Of Action! We will be reaching out to voters throughout the county about the upcoming election and how to get involved! Click here to sign up for your preferred date/time.
Phone Banking
Use the link below to sign up for phone banks (including phone bank training) every Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday at several times. Click here to sign up for the dates and times that work for you,
This time of year brings many changes – our kids go back to school, or off to college, and the weather starts to release its hold on summer. Here at GCDP, 90 days into our new “administration”, changes abound all over as well!
I wish to share a brief State of the Party update with you, so you can see where the energy has been flowing during that time.
1. Our neighborhood Precinct Captains groups are up and running! We have groups in Bellbrook/Sugarcreek, Beavercreek North, Beavercreek South,Yellow Springs, Xenia, and Jamestown, with Fairborn and Spring Valley next on the list. These groups have begun to connect with their Democrats in their precincts, and are doing the hard work of engaging and mobilizing them for not only the upcoming election but for our long-term growth. These groups are also going to provide the support and structure necessary for our Precinct Captains to build community together, a necessary component of our success!
2. New Branding. We have engaged Public Ruckus Inc to rebrand the party – and the results were JUST finalized yesterday. We have further work to do to implement these changes, and update our website etc, but we are on our way. They did a really wonderful job, and I cannot wait to share this with you in the next few weeks. We redesigned the GCDP County Fair tent, thanks to Migiwa Orimo for her hard work on that – it looked fabulous and attracted a lot of attention! The HQ has now also had a similar makeover – and the results speak for themselves! Come check it out!
3. We completed ODP’s strategic planning exercise. We now have clearly defined goals for the next 2 years in the following areas (one for each area) – Supporting the 2022 Coordinated Campaign; Structure & Internal Operations; Candidate Recruitment & Support in 2023 and 2024; and Year-Round Party-Building and Volunteer Activity. Details will be shared at the upcoming Executive Committee Meeting. This makes us eligible to have our annual fees refunded, along with being eligible for grant funding, to be allocated before November this year.
4. Overall, *our activity level has SKYROCKETED! Our fundraising is up significantly, our social media reach has exploded, and volunteers (both for the election and for the long-term precinct building work) are streaming in! We’ve added 14 new Precinct Captains in the past 90 days alone! I am thrilled by the enthusiasm and commitment of so many, and look forward to working with everyone, as we do the hard work of changing the political climate here in Greene County.
So many people have been working hard on these and other projects, and for that, I am very grateful! But all of these projects and focuses will mean very little without YOU. We need your help. It’s going to take all of us. Please reach out to me directly so we can talk about how and where your skills and passion will best fit!
With gratitude,
Kim McCarthy
Thanks to all who supported our picnic. And to our wonderful volunteers!

From our Chair
As July turns to August, we are continuing to transition into our new leadership roles here at GCDP, and I am grateful for the help and support of everyone involved. We are putting together strategic plans in conjunction with ODP, and developing our neighborhood Precinct Captain teams, city by city. We intend on building the road upon which candidates can run and win – but it’s going to take time, and it’s going to take many of us. If you’d like to become part of our community, you will help get us there faster. See our election volunteer meeting on August 19 below – I would love to see you there! That’s a great place to get your feet wet with us.
I would like to acknowledge the retirement of our Membership Chair and Office Manager, Eileen Martin. The HQ isn’t the same without her, and her joy for and commitment to Greene County Democrats will never be forgotten! We wish Eileen and Dale our very best and hope to see them around soon!
Stop by and say hi if you visit the Greene County Fair this week. I look forward to meeting more and more Democrats as the weeks go by! It’s our time to stand up against these direct attacks on our democracy – join us and let’s amplify our voices together!
With gratitude,
Kim McCarthy.
More than its name! Let’s show our support for the recently announced Inflation Reduction Act of 2022! Its many provisions, especially those addressing climate change, health care costs, and closing tax loopholes, have long been high priorities for Democrats, but up until now, 2022 legislation that includes climate change has been blocked by Senator Joe Manchin. We can champion this apparent breakthrough by urging support from Senators Brown, Portman and Representative Turner. While Senators Portman and Representative Turner may not support the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, it is important that they hear from us.
You can send an email to all three at https://fcnl.quorum.us/campaign/39042/? or contact each individually:
Senator Brown 202-224-2315
Senator Portman 202-224-3353
Representative Turner 937-225-2843, 202-225-6465
When you talk to neighbors and friends about the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, keep these items in mind. From Public Citizen, the act would
- “Invest $369 billion in climate and energy proposals — making it the most substantial step Congress has ever taken to confront climate change.
- Devote $64 billion to lower Affordable Care Act premiums for millions of Americans.
- Save $288 billion on drug spending — including by giving Medicare the ability, at last, to negotiate prices for some prescription medicines.
- Generate $313 billion in revenue through a 15% minimum tax on multinational corporations.
- Raise another $138 billion in revenue by increasing IRS enforcement against bazillionaires and Big Business and by closing a tax loophole exploited by venture capitalists and private equity firms”
Senate Democrats emphasize that in the act there “are no new taxes on families making $400,000 or less and no new taxes on small businesses.” Financing comes from “closing tax loopholes and enforcing the tax code.” https://www.democrats.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/inflation_reduction_act_one_page_summary.pdf

Woo hoo!! We have TIM RYAN yard signs available!
Just 50 of them – so don’t delay!
If you want to see JD Vance go back to his day job, and leave the people of Ohio ALONE, then show your support of Tim Ryan to your neighbors by getting a yard sign today! $5 each sign.
Our Xenia HQ office is open Thursday – Saturday, 10am – 4pm for purchase, or we have another pick up location closer to Bellbrook. Message us if you wish to make alternative arrangements!
For more on Tim Ryan… https://timforoh.com/
There are SO MANY reasons why Nan Whaley would make a better Governor than Dewine.
One of them is that we don’t need someone from the 1% controlling things, because the rich support the rich. Just look at the billions of dollars of tax breaks Dewine and the Ohio GOP have given them! While we the middle (for now) and working class carry the bulk of the burden.
Seen your property taxes lately? They’ve been escalating BECAUSE of the tax cuts for the rich. The money has to come from somewhere.. And we are being unfairly burdened so the rich can have a second vacation home in Aspen.
The choice is simple. Whaley for Governor.